Surface treatment involving oxidation and sand-blasting which is commonly seen in consumer electronics such as smartphones and laptops. The latch has a smooth tactile surface.
Adjustable PadLock Hole: The gate latch has a rounded retangle shaped lock hole which allow you to adjust the gap width between the mounting plates from 0.2'' to 1.4'' continuously to suit your doors. It can support padlocks with shackles small than 0.3''.
2.36'' Symmetric Panels with 8 Screws: The gate latch has 2 mounting plates and in this mounted with 8 screws on your gate frame/fence door. Most latches in the market has only one mounting plate reducing the sturdiness and damaging the look of your door or gate.
Keep Your Home Safe: The 3" door lock is designed to withstand maximum 800lbs of force for Inward Swinging Door. It helps prevent doors from being kicked in. Increasing your home security and keeping your family safe.
Childproof: Security Door Lock adds extra security for children kids, prevent from opening door to strangers. Please install higher than the doorknob where your children can not reach, like top of door.